October 28, 2021


First benefits of Stoptober: why you should keep motivated to pursue your quit attempt!

You quit smoking for a few weeks during Stoptober. Here are the reasons you should stay smoke-free after this stop smoking challenge.

Congratulations! You have completed this 2021 Stoptober challenge! You can feel proud. πŸ’ͺ What if you continued working hard on your cessation after this successful quitting attempt? Now is the perfect time to stay smoke-free for good! You have already overcome the most complicated part of quitting smoking, and even the benefits are starting to show. You are getting closer to a new, happier and healthier life!

Why now is the right time to stop smoking for good after your Stoptober quit attempt?

You have successfully completed this quit smoking challenge. Why stop when you are on such a good path? Results and statistics of the previous Stoptober editions prove it: now you are in the best conditions to succeed in your smoking cessation!

Stoptober: the effective stop smoking challenge that provides all the resources you need to quit for good

Generally speaking, the first couple of weeks of cessation are the most challenging when you quit smoking. There is a simple explanation for this: the withdrawal symptoms are more intense during this phase.

Withdrawal symptoms, such as irritability, fatigue, stress or sleep disorders are due to physical nicotine dependence. In short, when you smoke, the nicotine receptors (naturally present in the brain) multiplied. Additionally, exposure to a high dose of nicotine makes receptors desensitized. So when a smoker quits, the brain provokes a chain reaction: a more intense demand for nicotine that leads to severe withdrawal symptoms.

The number of nicotine receptors will take more or less time to decrease, depending on the smoking behaviour and the level of dependence. This phase can take up to 3 weeks or 3 months (varies from person to person). However, in general, withdrawal symptoms are the strongest during the first month of your quit attempt.

By participating in this quit smoking challenge, you have already faced almost the first month of your withdrawal. You are even starting to see the benefits and positive effects! You have never been closer to living as a non-smoker. It's up to you to continue your working towards this goal, even after the end of the Stoptober campaign.

Why is Stoptober so effective to quit smoking for good? (According to results and statistics of previous editions)

The results of the previous Stoptober editions are unanimous. When compared to those who quit at any other time of the year, participants in this quit smoking challenge double their chances of success.

Bonds are forged between participants in this challenge, inspiring a desire to strive and persevere. This group dynamic, carries on even after this stop smoking challenge is over, allowing participants to stay on track, regardless of how long it takes to achieve their goals.

Personal outcomes of Stoptober: additional benefits keep on showing up even after the quit smoking challenge is over.

You have certainly already experienced some of the benefits of quitting during Stoptober. There are numerous positive effects of smoking cessation:

There are even more benefits that take some time to show up. To encourage you to continue working towards your goal, we created a list of the benefits you will experience in the upcoming months.

The benefits of quitting smoking after the first month

During your first month of quitting, you may have experienced withdrawal symptoms. After one month without tobacco, their frequency and intensity decrease significantly. Moreover, even if they are unpleasant, these side effects are a sign of your health improvement: you are already starting to break free from your dependence!

Once you have completed the first month of cessation, you can expect your lungs health to improve gradually. Lungs get clean of toxic substances and your breathing improves. You may experience frequent coughing spells, but don't worry: these are normal. You are coughing to clean your lungs of these toxic substances. If this symptom persists beyond the first few months, be sure to consult a health professional.

Blood circulation improvement after 1 to 3 months without smoking

Immediately after quitting smoking, there is a significant improvement in your blood circulation. This process carries on throughout the first few months of cessation, thereby enhancing your overall health.

Healthier lungs after 9 months without smoking

9 months after quitting smoking, the regeneration process in your lungs is almost complete. The bronchial cilia, which protect them from mucus, has grown back, providing you with more protection against respiratory infections.

The mayor outcome 1 year after Stoptober: cutting coronary heart disease risk in half

One year after taking part in Stoptober, and therefore one year after quitting smoking, the risk of developing coronary heart disease is reduced by as much as 50%. It will continue to decrease over time as people stay smoke-free.

These are just a few of the benefits of quitting smoking that may occur during your first year of cessation. Many more will follow, and altogether, your health will continue to improve upon your successful attempt to quit smoking during Stoptober.

Kwit and its app will be there for you even after Stoptober!

Did you use Kwit during Stoptober? Our application will continue to support you throughout your smoking cessation!

Our application supports you throughout your smoking cessation

While physical dependence fades in a few weeks, psychological and behavioural dependence take longer to disappear. That's why Kwit (our stop smoking app), continues to support you even after Stoptober!

Kwit first helped you to prepare to quit smoking, then it helped you throughout the maintenance stage during the challenge. Still, our application goes further, as it stays by your side even after this stop smoking challenge is over!

Our quit smoking application offers you breathing exercises, a daily check-in or a module to track your consumption of substitutes and vape. It helps you realize the progress you are making little by little, even after these first weeks without tobacco. Our application also guides you in difficult moments by offering you, for instance, strategies to cope with cravings.

As you progress through the levels, you'll learn more about the benefits of quitting, which will motivate you to continue working towards your goal and to become the next ultimate Kwitter!

Find useful resources for quitting smoking in our blog

In our blog you will find additional information that will help you in any situation. It was designed to complement our application by providing you with tips to quit smoking for good!

Can't find what you're looking for? Email us at hello@kwit.app to suggest new articles!

Did you find this article useful? Find here all our tips and resources for Stoptober!

Whatever the situation, Kwit will always be there to help you. Still have doubts? Join us on social media, where we share new tips every day!


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