September 22, 2021


The Stoptober Effectiveness: Why are You More Likely to Quit Smoking for Good with this Stop Smoking Challenge?

Tens of thousands of people embark on the Stoptober adventure each year because participating in this challenge to quit smoking increases your chances of quitting smoking permanently!

There is a simple reason why this campaign is repeated year after year: Stoptober has proven its effectiveness. Every year, it allows smokers to make an attempt and quit smoking for good. Statistics of previous Stoptober editions prove that if you participate in this stop smoking challenge, you increase your chances of success in your smoking cessation. This article will help you understand why October 2021 is YOUR month to make a quit attempt and begin your new smoke-free life!

Stoptober’s Statistics show there are significantly more one-year abstainers among participants

The first Stoptober campaign took place in 2012. Its goal? To encourage as many people as possible to make a quit attempt for Stoptober and start their new life without tobacco. Since the first edition, nearly two million smokers have taken part in the initiative.

If this challenge is relaunched every year, it is because it has been successful from the start. Statistics show that Stoptober participants are more likely to stay smoke-free at one year than people who make a quit attempt at any other time.

So by taking part in Stoptober, you increase your chances of quitting smoking for good!

Why is it so effective to make a quit attempt for Stoptober?

Wondering why you should quit smoking for Stoptober? There are many reasons, but keep in mind these main two: the group effect and the challenge effect. Those will give you the extra nudge you need.

Do you want to quit, but don't feel ready to do it yet? We are here to support you and help you prepare to make your quit attempt for Stoptober!

A one-month stop smoking challenge against the intense symptoms of smoking cessation

The Stoptober challenge, which takes place every October, is based on a simple principle. Since symptoms are strongest during the first month of withdrawal, smokers who manage to stay clean during these first weeks increase their chances to stay clean for good. After this 28-day challenge to stop smoking, you will have almost completed the first month; withdrawal symptoms will be greatly reduced, increasing the chances of participants staying clean for the long term.

It's easy to see why Stoptober is an effective way to stop smoking. It motivates you to quit smoking for an entire month; once that month is over, withdrawal symptoms have diminished, boosting your motivation to stay smoke-free once and for all.

A massive number of quit attempts during this stop smoking challenge multiplies the effectiveness of Stoptober

Another dimension contributes to the Stoptober effectiveness: the mass effect. Combined with the intense communication campaign around this event, providing all the tips and advice you need to quit for good, the strength of numbers encourages you to take part in this stop smoking challenge to begin your new tobacco-free life. By making a quit attempt during Stoptober, you join a group full of supporters, increasing your chances to stay abstinent in the long term!

The group dynamic also effectively motivates you during difficult moments, and pushes you to continue. Together, you can help each other and share advice. The meetings organized with health professionals during this event can also provide you additional information to help you make your smoking cessation successful.

Join the more than 2.7 million people who have trusted us by downloading Kwit! Our quit smoking application is based on psychology and positive reinforcement. Built like a game, it’s definitely the app you need to make a quit attempt for Stoptober!

Did you like this article? Here you can find our tips and advice on how to successfully participate in Stoptober!

You can also follow us on our social media to access all our resources to quit for good for Stoptober:


Stop smoking more easily — Rebecca's story

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Quitting smoking: how to stay motivated after a relapse — Victor's testimony

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Becoming your "ideal self" by quitting smoking — Camille's story

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Getting back on track after relapses — Dennis' story of how he said goodbye to cigarettes

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