December 3, 2023


Getting back on track after relapses β€” Dennis' story of how he said goodbye to cigarettes

How do you get back on your feet after a relapse? How do you say goodbye to cigarettes for good? Dennis answers these questions by talking about how he quit smoking thanks to Kwit.

Every quit is different. But they all have one thing in common: the courage of those who fight and get up again when they relapse. Here, Dennis shares his story of quitting smoking to prove to smokers who don't dare to stop that nothing is impossible!

"I started smoking regularly around the age of 15 and decided to quit when I was 31."

When I smoked my first cigarette, I was probably 12 or 13. One of my friends must have brought a cigarette, and we secretly hid away to smoke it. I started smoking regularly around age 15 and decided to quit when I was 31. I smoked about 15 cigarettes a day, so almost a pack. I'd tried to stop smoking before with Champix. But I didn't finish the treatment, and after six months, I relapsed. I accepted that I was smoking again, but I became less satisfied with this lifestyle as time passed. Overnight, I decided it was no longer possible.

I rebought Champix, but it didn't work, unlike the first time. I decided to try nicotine patches, but they didn't stick properly, so I didn't continue. This time, I followed the program to the letter. After a few days, I wondered if there was an app that could help me. I tried a few but finally settled on Kwit.

"The first few days were difficult, of course, but I expected it."

The first few days were difficult, but I was expecting it. I spent much time in bed, sleeping, and watching Netflix. As if I were "sick". I was afraid of gaining a lot of weight, so I Googled how many kilos a person usually gained after quitting smoking. But the answers on the forums varied enormously. Ultimately, I didn't put on much weight, and people think I look healthier! I allow myself to eat when I want to.

One symptom I didn't expect was constipation. Usually, this was due to the combination of coffee and cigarettes, and neither plums nor drugstore products helped. It took a few months for my body to adapt to the change and function normally again.

I relapsed once, right at the start of my withdrawal. I was dating a smoker, and I could easily convince him to let me smoke. The craving was enormous, and after that relapse, I quickly realized that I didn't want it to happen to me again.

"I realized that addiction was shaping my days and wanted to change that."

I analyzed all the cigarettes I used to smoke. The one in the morning, the one with coffee, the one after dinner, the one I light up when I start playing music or riding my bike. I realized that the addiction was shaping my days, and I didn't want it to last any longer. I realized that I often drank coffee to smoke. Since I quit, I've been drinking a lot less.

Moreover, everyone knew I'd quit smoking, and I was too proud to give in to them. When my friends say they only smoke when they go to parties, I know it doesn't make sense to compare myself to them. We see things differently. This summer, I went to a festival. I usually considered smoking part of the experience, so I had an urge but didn't give in.

I often check the Kwit dashboard on my phone. It's beneficial to see how many days I've gone without cigarettes and to think about how far I've come. It would be silly to ruin it now with a stupid cigarette that makes me uncomfortable and nauseous anyway.

My Kwitter Experience

I was looking for apps that could help me in the App Store. Kwit wasn't the first one I found, but the only one I kept on my phone. It was the most aesthetic and the easiest to use. I like the look of it, but the unblocked achievements certainly helped me the most. The dashboard showing how long I've been smoke-free is motivating and still, after 1 year, very useful in my daily life.

After a while, I switched from Apple to Android and fortunately there were no problems with migrating my Kwit data from my old to my new phone.

My advice to future Kwitters

Kwittez right away! There's no good reason not to stop. There won't be a perfect time, so don't wait and change your life today.

Things to remember:

If, like Dennis, you need support to help you quit smoking, don't hesitate, download Kwit!

Have you already quit smoking with Kwit? Don't hesitate to contact us at, and we'd love to hear about your Kwitter experience. Like Dennis, tell us about your journey to a smoke-free life and inspire many other smokers!

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