What are the benefits of quitting smoking?

There are many benefits of quitting smoking. They constitute a source of motivation during difficult moments. Some effects on the lungs, skin, teeth, smell, sexual performance and appetite, etc. are felt early on and can become goals for you to achieve. Here, you will find all the information on the benefits of quitting smoking. Check what happens to your body and your overall health when quitting smoking.

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Everything you need to know about the benefits of quitting smoking

From the moment you quit smoking, your body begins to repair itself. This healing process continues for many years. Some of the positive effects of quitting smoking will be quickly visible on your body, and you will notice them early on your journey. Others you won’t be able to see. However, this doesn’t mean you won’t feel an improvement in your body. If you’re wondering what happens when you quit smoking, read this article and find the answers!

The benefits of quitting smoking on lungs

When you smoke, cigarette smoke settles in your lungs. This causes lung damage and affects your body in many ways, Breathing gets especially affected. Contrary to popular belief, this phenomenon is reversible. By quitting smoking, you give your body the opportunity to get rid of the harmful effects of tobacco.

Follow our tips to clean your lungs!

How quitting smoking can give you a glowing complexion?

Does smoking affect the skin? The answer is yes! When you quit smoking, you can expect an almost immediate improvement in the looks and feel of your skin. Quitting smoking leads to a significant and noticeable skin improvement. This is one benefit former smokers are most excited about, as it is quickly visible.

Find out more about the glowing skin that awaits you after quitting smoking

They quit smoking with Kwit

Rgian testimonial

150 days and counting. I was a 2 pack a day smoker so I can honestly say this app made an enormous difference to my life, thank you guys, I really appreciate to see all the effects and benefits since I quit smoking!

Bill Lebeaux

12 nov 2021

Morel testimonial

I believe this app helped me the most with quitting smoking. While having nicotine withdrawals I just opened the app and looked at how I was doing. The goals system was like someone constantly telling me I was doing a good job. I recommend everyone that talks about quitting smoking this app.


7 nov 2021

It's possible to regain your 5 senses after quitting smoking!

Stop smoking is the best thing you can do for your health. As you regain your 5 senses, you will notice how much better your life is. All thanks to the benefits that come along with quitting smoking.

Read the article to understand how you get your 5 senses back after quitting smoking

How quitting smoking improves our relationships: an overlooked benefit!

The benefits of quitting smoking are sometimes very unexpected! Indeed, quitting smoking does not only have positive effects on your lungs, complexion, body, or overall health. By quitting, you can also avoid conflicts in your relationships.

Explore how quitting smoking positively impacts your relationships

Quit smoking and quit snoring!

Do you snore? If you do, chances are that this is related to your smoking habits! One benefit of quitting smoking is that it reduces snoring (if related to smoking). Good news! Right?

Quitting smoking = Quitting snoring!

Now you know the benefits that quitting smoking has for your health and other aspects of your life!

Take some time to analyze your body. Determine how quitting smoking has been beneficial to you. How do you feel? Would you describe yourself as someone ”healthier”?

Although quitting smoking can be challenging, the benefits to your physical and mental health are worth it. Think about it, you regain your 5 senses, your blood circulation improves, your lungs, complexion and skin get better, your risk of developing cancer decreases significantly, etc. There is no downside!

Use the knowledge you just gain about the effects of quitting smoking to strengthen your motivation. Kwit, created a timeline so that you can visualize the benefits of quitting smoking on your body day by day. You can also learn about the benefits that quitting smoking has on your overall well-being, on your wallet, and even on the planet!

Downloading Kwit for free will give you all the answers you need to know about what happens when quitting smoking. You will realize that what you do now will transform your life: a healthier and happier life awaits you!

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