February 6, 2021


No, there is no perfect way to quit smoking!

Since all smokers are different, there is no perfect way to quit smoking: there is only a way that fits you perfectly!

On our Facebook group and on social networks, we are often asked for tips on how to quit smoking. We're happy to help people who want to quit smoking, but sometimes we have to face the fact that despite our best efforts, these tips may not help you. Does that mean there's nothing you can do? No, far from it! However, we easily forget that because we are all different, what works for some may not work for others. In other words: there is no perfect way to quit smoking! In fact, there are as many ways to quit smoking as there are people who want to say goodbye to cigarettes. We offer you a small overview.

Perfection doesn’t exist

First of all, a little clarification on what is or isn't perfection is necessary.

Is the search for perfection a good or a bad idea?

Some of us tend to be very demanding, both with those around us and with ourselves. When we do something, we expect an optimal result, or in other words, perfection. However, to think like this is to forget that perfection doesn't exist, and that chasing after it is often even counterproductive. All perfectionists will tell you: how many times have they abandoned a project after having reworked it countless times, without ever being satisfied with the result? The constant search for perfection can block you and prevent you from moving forward, taking you away from your objectives.

However, in small doses and as long as it doesn't become disabling, it can be useful to aim for perfection. After all, as Oscar Wilde said, “shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars”. In other words, aiming for the moon allows us to surpass ourselves and makes us want to do more than what we are already capable of doing. In short: it allows us to grow and become a better version of ourselves.

Why wanting to quit smoking perfectly?

Perhaps your loved ones advised you to quit smoking cold turkey, without substitutes because using them could be considered as “cheating”. Others may have praised hypnosis, or any other technique, which allowed them to quit for good. par Others may have praised other methods which allowed them to quit for good. So you don't understand why what worked so well for them seems to be less effective for you, since you still feel the urge to smoke. Just know that because everyone is different, these techniques may not have been right for you. But don't panic! Don't give up because there are plenty of other ways to quit smoking.

When we start something particularly important to us, we tend to want to do everything perfectly from the start. This is to forget that mistakes are human, and that they even allow us to learn and keep moving forward. So rather than waiting for the right time or the right technique to quit smoking, start as soon as you feel ready. It's okay if you stumble at times. Even if you slip, there's no need to beat yourself up. These are indeed part of the journey of many former smokers, and rather than seeing them as weaknesses, see them as obstacles to overcome that make you stronger. Rather than trying to achieve perfection from the start, take it one step at a time, at your own pace, following the methods that suit you best.

There is no perfect way to quit smoking: there is a way that is perfect for you

At the beginning of your smoking cessation, you may have been looking for magic tips that would work for you, and guarantee that you would quit smoking for good. When you realized that these tips didn't work after all, your morale may have taken a hit. But thinking like this means forgetting that all smokers are different, they don't necessarily share the same smoking habits, nor the same reasons for quitting. Since we are all different, what works for some of us will not necessarily be as effective for others, and rather than trying to achieve a perfect smoking cessation, you should rather look for a way to quit that suits you perfectly.

Different reasons for smoking

No two smokers are alike, and all have their own reasons for smoking. Nicotine dependence certainly plays a role and makes you continue, but the reasons you started in the first place are unique to you. Therefore, when you want to quit smoking, you need to keep these reasons in mind, and develop a strategy accordingly.

Perhaps you have already tried to quit smoking but were unable to do so because you felt more stressed or depressed than usual. Or maybe you've been thinking about quitting for a long time but haven't taken the plunge for fear of gaining weight. Whatever withdrawal symptoms you may have experienced or fear you may have to go through, know that there are solutions for dealing with them. Finally, keep in mind that these side effects are only temporary, and that they mark the passage to your new dream life without tobacco!

Different smoking habits

Your smoking history comes into play when you want to quit smoking. For someone who has smoked at least a pack a day for 20 years, the strategies for quitting may be different from those of an occasional smoker, who only smoked his or her first cigarette one or two years ago. When you start to quit smoking, it may be a good idea to take a test to assess your level of dependence on tobacco, and then choose the strategy that is best for you.

Different reasons for quitting

Your reasons for quitting also vary. You may want to say goodbye to cigarettes because you are pregnant, or you may want to preserve your children's health. You may also want to be healthier or lead a healthier life, or simply save money for various projects. There are many reasons, and their ability to motivate you may differ depending on your personality.

Different environments

What also changes from one person to another is the environment. If you are surrounded by smokers, the temptations will inevitably be more present. However, keep in mind that if you hold on despite this, you will be able to face many obstacles!

If you were used to smoking with your colleagues, during the traditional coffee break, why not think about changing your habits to create new routines? For example, instead of going out for a smoke during your break, you can head to your cafeteria for a delicious snack.

To successfully overcome this challenge even though your environment is full of smokers, it may be helpful to discuss your desire to quit with them. By doing so, the most understanding ones might agree to make an effort and stop smoking in your presence, or simply stop offering you a cigarette. Some may even follow you in this process! As for the others, if you have the possibility, you may have to stay away from them at the beginning of your withdrawal, until you feel ready to face smokers without wanting a cigarette yourself.

Find the smoking cessation techniques that suit you

As there are many different types of smokers, there are a number of techniques to quit smoking! These techniques are not exclusive, and most of them are even complementary.

Kwit accompanies you according to your profile

Kwit is based on Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies to help you quit smoking in a fun and caring way. Our application helps you become aware of your nicotine dependence and encourages you to cope with it through positive reinforcement techniques.

Kwit helps you keep track of your progress, the cravings and difficulties you've overcome, but most importantly, all the goals you've achieved. As you achieve these goals, you will learn more about the benefits of smoking cessation and you will be even more motivated! Here are the steps to follow to get on board and test our application:

  1. Download Kwit, available on the App Store and Play Store.

  2. Enter your smoking habits, which will help the app better understand your dependance and help you overcome it. In addition, the premium version also allows you to track your use of e-cigarettes and nicotine replacement products.

  3. Enter your quit date. From there, Kwit will accompany you on a daily basis and help you track your progress day after day.

  4. Believe in yourself, you can succeed! If it's sometimes difficult to stay motivated, don't hesitate to consult your dashboard. You will be able to recall all the progress and successes you have achieved since you made the decision to quit smoking.

As you can see, Kwit is one of the solutions available to you to help you quit smoking!

Medical alternatives to help you quit smoking

There are also more medically based solutions, such as nicotine replacement therapy. In fact, during smoking cessation, the body must get used to living without nicotine, the addictive substance of cigarettes. It's this lack of nicotine that is the cause of withdrawal symptoms, which can appear in the early stages of your smoking cessation. This is precisely why nicotine replacement products exist: to help you during your withdrawal and reduce its symptoms! Quitting smoking with nicotine replacement products is neither good nor bad, and your withdrawal will not be less valuable if you use them. They simply help you to face this ordeal at your own pace, and to get rid of your nicotine dependence little by little.

Finally, feel free to discuss your desire to quit smoking with a health professional, who will be able to listen to you and guide you. Through a discussion, he can help you determine which methods seem to be the best for you and will be able to direct you to the appropriate substitutes, inform you about their dosage, and share many other tips with you!

You will have understood, the main thing isn’t to try to lead a perfect withdrawal, but rather to find the techniques that best fit your situation. Courage to you, you will succeed! And if you want more advice, follow us on Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn!


Stop smoking more easily — Rebecca's story

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Quitting smoking: how to stay motivated after a relapse — Victor's testimony

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Becoming your "ideal self" by quitting smoking — Camille's story

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Getting back on track after relapses — Dennis' story of how he said goodbye to cigarettes

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