January 15, 2020


Quitting smoking at work: an easy step-by-step plan

You have decided to quit smoking but you are afraid of cigarette breaks with your colleagues? Stress at work makes you doubt your motivation and ability to (finally) say goodbye to smoking? To help you through this ordeal, Kwit has prepared a user manual, a real guide to surve on the battlefield. Are you ready? Let's go!

Implement a strategy

Think about everything that makes you anxious and that makes you think you won't make it. Decompose all these preconceived ideas one by one: what are you afraid of? Once each moment of doubt is identified, develop strategies to deal with these situations: take the time to imagine what you could do to reduce your anxiety if a particular situation was to arise. To help you, Kwit has identified the key steps in your strategy to quit smoking in the office.

Step 1: Set a quit date

Experience shows that smoking cessation is more likely to succeed when it is carefully prepared. So start by setting your quit date and try to reduce your consumption as the date you choose gets closer. Prepare yourself mentally for this stop: you can for instance throw away every object of your daily life that makes you think about smoking.

Step 2: Inform your colleagues and the people you work with

« December 1st: I quit smoking. » Don't be afraid of your decision, say so with pride and confidence. Feel free to share your motivations with them, this will boost your positive state of mind and will allow you and your colleagues to understand and accept your decision. Ask them not to offer you a cigarette at the break or just to be understanding if your first few days are not so easy.

Step 3: Recruit your colleagues: it's always better to have a group!

You have colleagues whose motivations are comparable to yours regarding quitting smoking? Take the opportunity to quit smoking together! Meeting the same challenge together will increase your chances of success. You can define new habits: the coffee break can be replaced by a short walk or a review of everyone's progress. Thanks to Kwit for example, you will be able to observe the number of days spent without smoking, the amount of money saved, etc. So much information that will help you boost your motivation every day! You will also be able to compare the levels achieved by each of your coworkers and organize small, friendly and good-natured competitions.

Step 4: Benevolence and encouraging: these are the keys to success

Each small success leads you to a big victory, so don't hesitate to congratulate yourself when you have resisted a desire for example. Be proud of yourself and reward yourself! After a week without smoking: organize an outing or grant yourself a present with the money saved.

You had a breakdown? Don't blame yourself: it's not a failure! Consider this as a slip-up, it does not affect the fact that you are a non-smoker. Don't be discouraged, persevere you can do it 💪

You quit smoking with Kwit? Feel free to contact us at hello@kwit.app, we would love to hear more about your experience as a Kwitter. If you're interested, you can see what a testimonial looks like over here.


Stop smoking more easily — Rebecca's story

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Quitting smoking: how to stay motivated after a relapse — Victor's testimony

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Becoming your "ideal self" by quitting smoking — Camille's story

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Getting back on track after relapses — Dennis' story of how he said goodbye to cigarettes

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