August 23, 2022


Smoker's cough: the 3 best remedies

Do you think you have a "smoker's cough", and would like to know what the remedies are? Here is our list!

If you're unsure if it's a smoker's cough, don't hesitate to read our article on recognizing a smoker's cough before continuing.

Quitting smoking: the only practical and long-lasting way to treat smoker's cough

The best remedy to treat smoker's cough is to quit smoking completely. Some people who quit smoking are alarmed that their cough increases immediately afterward. Don't worry, this is normal: after quitting, the vibratory cilia that line the walls of the bronchi have more opportunities to repair themselves than they did while you were smoking. Their increased ability to clear foreign objects from the throat, trachea and airways leads to increased coughing to remove them.

This worsening of the smoker's cough after quitting is temporary. Most smokers can expect it to begin to decrease within three months of quitting.

Exercise is the best remedy for smoker's cough

To treat a smoker's cough, nothing beats exercise. Try running or cycling. This will allow you to expel the mucus that is in the airways. Don't hesitate to combine these physical exercises with breathing exercises. They are also excellent for treating a smoker's cough. You will find several in the Kwit application. Choose the one that suits you best.

Water to treat a smoker's cough: the only remedy to use without moderation

Drinking water has many health benefits. Water is a simple and effective home remedy for temporary cough relief. It can help you breathe easier. In addition, drinking enough water maintains the body's water balance and prevents dehydration.

Feel free to join the Instagram community for more tips on quitting smoking.


Stop smoking more easily β€” Rebecca's story

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Quitting smoking: how to stay motivated after a relapse β€” Victor's testimony

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Becoming your "ideal self" by quitting smoking β€” Camille's story

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Getting back on track after relapses β€” Dennis' story of how he said goodbye to cigarettes

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