August 23, 2022


Smoker’s cough: how to recognize it and what to do

A smoker's cough is characterized by a tickling or irritating sensation in the throat. This is how you recognize a smoker's cough. It often occurs after inhaling cigarette smoke and may accompany a runny nose and/or headache. If you have these symptoms, try these tips to eliminate them.

Recently, a Kwitter asked us the following question: "I've been coughing a lot for the past few days. Do you think this is the famous smoker's cough ? How do I recognize it, and more importantly, how can I get rid of it?" Here is our answer to this question!

How to recognize a smoker's cough?

When you smoke, you inhale many chemical ingredients. These chemicals get stuck in your body's throat and lungs. Coughing is your body's way of clearing the airways. When coughing lasts long and occurs after long periods of smoking, it is called a smoker's cough.

So how do you recognize a smoker's cough? A smoker's cough tends to be different from a normal cough. It is characterized by wheezing and crackling sounds associated with mucus in the throat.

The cough is often dry and hacking in the early stages of a smoker's cough. As the cough progresses and the person continues to smoke, the cough evolves into blood-tinged, yellow-green, white, or utterly colorless mucus.

These are not the only symptoms of a smoker's cough. Other signs to watch for are:

  • Regular pain in the chest

  • Shortness of breath

  • Wheezing

  • Sore throat

Now that you know how to recognize a smoker's cough, it's time to get rid of it!

How do you get rid of a smoker's cough?

Drink lots of water. Drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of water daily will help keep your throat hydrated.

Avoid food that irritate the throat, such as coffee, alcohol and spicy foods. Also, avoid smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke.

The most effective treatment to get rid of a smoker's cough is, of course, to quit smoking. When you quit smoking, you may have a worse cough than usual for several weeks while your lashes recover, but within a year of quitting, you'll notice a dramatic improvement in your symptoms.

If your symptoms persist or worsen, see a doctor. They may prescribe stronger medications or run tests to rule out other possible causes of cough.

How long does a smoker's cough last?

A smoker's cough can last from a few days to a few weeks, or even indefinitely, depending on how much you smoke. If you smoke an occasional cigarette, your cough will probably go away within a few days after you quit. If you smoke regularly, you will probably have symptoms for as long as you smoke. You also may not be able to get rid of your cough quickly.

If you smoke a lot, your cough may last for months, even after you quit or cut down. On the other hand, you may sometimes have a smoker's cough for years after you quit smoking.

Recognizing a smoker's cough is one thing. Now it's up to you to get rid of it for good by quitting smoking now!

if you need help quit smoking, download Kwit!


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