September 10, 2023


Relaxation and well-being: methods for reducing stress when quitting smoking

Quitting smoking often leads to a rise in stress levels for people going through withdrawal. At times like these, the urge to smoke can be the strongest and most difficult to manage. That's why we've decided to share a few relaxation tips with you today to help reduce stress during the quitting process and avoid relapse! Ready to quit?

Wow! Please put that plate down gently! How many days are you up to now?

Yes, quitting smoking isn't easy every day! And you may quickly become overwhelmed by your emotions... in that case, don't panic! To avoid being on the verge of strangling your colleague when she asks you for the thirtieth time: "Ah, but you still haven't given up? How do you make it look so hard?" or to prevent you from sending your best friend packing after his umpteenth attempt to get you to smoke again, we've come up with a few relaxation and wellness methods to reduce stress when you stop smoking.

Magic breathing: inhale.... exhale!

When you feel a surge of stress from quitting smoking or whatever, take a break and practice breathing exercises. You'll see, it's very effective! Inhale deeply through your nose on the count of four, hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this a few times; you'll feel calmer than a seagull in flight. Goodbye, stress! The oxygen bath is yours!

Cool meditation: ready to open your chakras?

Meditation is like taking a break from your overheated mind because trying to stop smoking can put you in quite a state! Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes, and let your thoughts float away like clouds. Let the relaxation begin! Imagine yourself in a peaceful place, far from the noise of everyday life. Perhaps on a sunny beach, sipping coconut juice, or on a mountain with a breathtaking view. Starting your day with meditation can radically change the course of your daily life. Supercharge your mind with good vibes before facing the stress of everyday life without tobacco.

Contagious laughter: welcome to the school of laughter!

It's a well-known fact that laughter is an excellent natural medicine! It reduces stress, boosts the immune system, and improves mood. And that's just the beginning! So please take advantage of it during times of great stress. Watch a hilarious comedy, call up a friend who always has a way of making you laugh, or search the Internet for videos of facetious cats (because cats are the kings of relaxation)... in short, don't limit yourself! Let laughter replace the urge to smoke, and you'll be on the road to well-being in no time.

... to read more about the other benefits of quitting smoking this fall download the Kwit app to find the rest of the article in the "Explore" tab of the application!


Stop smoking more easily β€” Rebecca's story

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Quitting smoking: how to stay motivated after a relapse β€” Victor's testimony

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Becoming your "ideal self" by quitting smoking β€” Camille's story

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Getting back on track after relapses β€” Dennis' story of how he said goodbye to cigarettes

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