Lächelnde Kugel


One in four adults is a smoker

In France, although the number of smokers is decreasing, 26.9% of adults are still smokers in 2017 according to data from the Health Barometer. And tobacco still kills 200 people a day!


6 out of 10 smokers wish to quit

According to the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, 60% of smokers would like to stop. However, they are struggling to take the plunge because the addiction is too strong, and the fear of not being able to stop too strong.


High cost for the company

Several studies show that tobacco users can be expensive for their business, and that their productivity is generally lower. Researchers at the University of Ohio have calculated the annual extra cost of a smoker to his business at 4,600 €.

Estimate your
potential savings
Indicate how many employees you have in your company and find out how much you could save annually by helping those who wish to quit smoking.
Number of employees
Rechter weißer Pfeil
Number of smokers
Wishing to quit

Contact us

And take your business to a tobacco-free business!
How it works?
Boost your internal communication and external communication by supporting your employees and encouraging them to stop smoking.
Analysis of needs
We start with an awareness campaign and free information for your employees to inspire and engage them in the process. This will allow us to make a state of the place, to know how much smokers there are in your company and whether they desire to stop smoking.
Make your business today
A tobacco-free company, concerned about the well-being of its employees
More information